IRCTC PNR Enquiry to Get the Status of Tickets
When you book a ticket, you may not always get a confirmed reservation. There are times when there is such a rush that you will have to book under RAC or Waiting List only. In such cases, you will realize how important IRCTC PNR enquiry is.
The status of your ticket keeps changing and it is possible to periodically check the same using the PNR number. The IRCTC website offers a great deal of help in this case. The launch has turned out to be a boon for the travelers, as it offers a great deal of services like the online ticketing, train enquiry, PNR status enquiry, and more.
The website offers you a link to check the PNR status of your ticket. Once you click on it, you are redirected to another page where you will be prompted to enter the 10-digit PNR number. Once you do this, all details of your ticket like train name, train number, number of travelers, travelling date, starting station, ending station, boarding point, class (SL, 2AC, 3AC, etc), ticket status, passenger coach, and seat numbers are displayed.
There is the toll-free number of IRCTC, 139, to which you need to send an SMS containing your PNR number to know the status of your ticket. It is possible to even make a call to this number where enquiry is done using the IVRS facility.
So, make IRCTC PNR enquiry often to check the status of your ticket reservation, and have a happy and carefree journey.